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    张云,研究员,博士生导师。国家“百千万人才工程”入选者、国家有突出贡献中青年专家。主要从事稀土光电功能材料、稀土纳米材料在生物医学分子诊断、多模态影像与治疗中的研究及应用转化,在稀土纳米荧光探针发光调控及表面生物偶联方面取得系列成果。先后承担了国家自然科学基金国际合作项目、中科院科技服务网络计划(STS)项目、福建省战略性新兴产业重点专项等,在Cancer Research, Advanced Science, Advanced Functional Materials., Chemical Engineering Journal, Analytical Chemistry等期刊上发表多篇论文。授权发明专利和实用新型专利25项。其主持开发的基于稀土探针的重大传染病检测、危重疾病标志物检测等疾病快速诊断试剂盒获得国家医疗器械注册证19项,欧盟CE认证30项。获第九届侨界贡献奖一等奖,被授予“福建省抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进个人”。 当选中国稀土学会稀土生物医学专业委员会秘书长,中国侨联特聘专家,厦门市欧美同学会副会长。相关成果入选中科院2020年第1、3季度科技创新亮点成果,获2021年度中国稀土科学技术奖一等奖,福建省科学技术进步奖、入选2021年度“中国稀土十大科技新闻”和2021年度“科创中国”先导技术榜单。




    1. 稀土多功能纳米材料的设计与合成

    2. 稀土生物医学精准诊疗应用研究 

    3. 稀土生物纳米材料在分子检测技术中的开发、应用和产品转化   


    4. 表面增强拉曼散射在生物医学领域中的应用


    1. Ruoping Wang, Junpeng Shi,* Qian Zhang, Qiang Peng, Xia Sun, Liang Song,and Yun Zhang*Dual-Triggered Near-Infrared Persistent Luminescence Nanoprobe for Autofluorescence-Free Imaging-Guided Precise Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis,Adv. Sci. 2023, 10, 2205320 

    2. Peng Lin, Junpeng Shi,* Ye Lin, Qian Zhang, Kexin Yu, Lin Liu, Liang Song, Yile Kang, Maochun Hong,* and Yun Zhang*Near-Infrared Persistent Luminescence Nanoprobe for
Ultrasensitive Image-Guided Tumor Resection,Adv. Sci. 2023, 2207486 . 

    3. Yuan-Yuan Zhu, Liang Song, Yong-Qu Zhang, Wan-Ling Liu, Wei-Ling Chen,Wen-Liang Gao, Li-Xin Zhang, Jia-Zheng Wang, Zi-He Ming, Yun Zhang*, and Guo-Jun Zhang*,Development of a Rare Earth Nanoprobe Enables In Vivo Real-Time Detection of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis of Breast Cancer Using NIR-IIb Imaging,Cancer Res; 83(20) October 15, 2023

    4. Ruoping Wang, Junpeng Shi,* Liang Song, Shenghui Zheng, Xiaolong Liu, Maochun Hong, and Yun Zhang*. Sustained Antitumor Immunity Based on Persistent Luminescence Nanoparticles for Cancer Immunotherapy. Adv Funct Mater, 2021, 31, 2106884.

    5. Peng Lin, Junpeng Shi*, Liyan Ming, Yangyang Sheng, Liang Song Maochun Hong*, Yun Zhang*. An intelligent persistent luminescence nanoplatform with high-efficiency O2 utilization for continuous hypoxic tumors treatment, Chem Eng J, 442 (2022) 135638. 

    6. Lin Liu, Junpeng Shi*, Xia Sun, Yongqu Zhang, Jingwang Qin, Shanshan Peng, Jixuan Xu, Liang Song, Yun Zhang*. Thermo-responsive hydrogel-supported antibacterial material with persistent photocatalytic activity for continuous sterilization and wound healing. Compos Part B-Eng, 229, 2022, 109459.


    7. Shanshan Peng, Lizhen Wang, Lin Liu, Liang Song, Junpeng Shi,Hanrun Zheng, Jixuan Xu, Rui Rong*,Yun Zhang*Inhibition of Pro-Survival Autophagy Induced by Rare-Earth Nanocomposites for Promoting Photothermal Therapy of Visualized Tumors,Adv Healthc Mater,2022, 2202117.


    8. Lin Liu, Junpeng Shi*, Shanshan Peng, Hongyun Zhong, Peng Lin, Jinyuan Wang, Xia Sun, Liang Song, Quan Yuan and Yun Zhang*Biodegradable near-infrared-IIb lanthanide-doped inorganic nanoparticles with red up-conversion luminescence for bioimaging and photodynamic therapy,Sci China Mater, 2023, 66(7): 2893–2901.


    9. Lin Liu, Junpeng Shi*, Yiang Li, Shanshan Peng, Hongyun Zhong, Liang Song, Yun Zhang*. Disguise as fluorescent powder: Ultraviolet-B persistent luminescence material without visible light for advanced information encryption and anti-counterfeiting applications. Chem Eng J, 2021, 132884.


    10. Liyan Ming, Liang Song*, Jixuan Xu, Ruoping Wang, Junpeng Shi, Min Chen, and Yun Zhang*. Smart Manganese Dioxide-Based Lanthanide Nanoprobes for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Precise Gene Synergistic Chemodynamic Therapy. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2021, 13, 35444-35455..


    11. Lin Liu, Shanshan Peng, Yuxuan Guo, Ye Lin, Xia Sun, Liang Song, Junpeng Shi,* and Yun Zhang*,Designing X-ray-Excited UVC Persistent Luminescent Material via Band Gap Engineering and Its Application to Anti-Counterfeiting and Information Encryption. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2022,14,41215-41224.


    12. Lin Liu, Shanshan Peng, Peng Lin, Ruoping Wang, Hongyun Zhong, Xia Sun, Liang Song, Junpeng Shi* and Yun Zhang*. High-level information encryption based on optical nanomaterials with multi-mode luminescence and dual-mode reading. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 4433–4441.


    13. Huimin Jiang, Ruoping Wang, Qian Zhang, Liang Song, Xia Sun,* Junpeng Shi* and Yun Zhang*A dual-functional nanoplatform based on NIR and green dual-emissive persistent luminescence nanoparticles for X-ray excited persistent luminescence imaging and photodynamic therapy,Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 15451.


    14. Siying Liu#, Qiushi Hu#, Chao Li#, Fangrong Zhang, Hongjing Gu, Xinrui Wang, Shuang Li, Lei Xue, Tobias Madl*, Yun Zhang*, and Lei Zhou*. Wide-Range, Rapid, and Specific Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Acs Sensors, 2021, 6, 2911-2919..


    15. Yu Han, Si-Rong Wu, Xiang-Dong Tian*, Yun Zhang*. Optimizing the SERS Performance of 3D Substrates through Tunable 3D Plasmonic Coupling toward Label-Free Liver Cancer Cell Classification. ACS Appl Mater Inter,2020, 12(26): 28965-28974.


    16. Si-Ying Liu, Xiang-Dong Tian*, Yun Zhang*, Jian-Feng Li. Quantitative Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy through the Interface-Assisted Self-Assembly of Three-Dimensional Silver Nanorod Substrates. Anal. Chem., 2018, 90, 7275-7282.



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